A Clear and Present Danger: Shut Off the Gas at Indian Point

A Clear and Present Danger:  Shut Off the Gas at Indian Point

(Please note the following correction at 1:39:

“The newly constructed 42 inch high pressure gas pipeline runs 115 feet from critical electrical infrastructure at Indian Point. …”  The closed captions reflect this correction.)

The people who live near Indian Point, with its nuclear power plant ask:  Why would putting a gas pipeline within a few hundred feet of a nuclear power plant be a problem?  Why keep building larger and larger gas pipelines here or anywhere else, especially near Indian Point?

This video asks those questions and more through a photographic narrated history of the construction of the AIM Pipeline in Northern Westchester, its loose proximity to an aging nuclear power plant, and the response of the community to the risk imposed upon it.

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About Charlie Olson (162 Articles)
Co-Founder of The Environmenttv.com Co-Founder of Environmental News and Views, Channel 74 Westchester Co-Producer of The Environment TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network Member of The Collective, WBAI 99.5 FM radio Assistant to producer, Environmental Issues, Staten Island Community TV

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