Voices from the State of the State – Papa Cuomo Jim Weiss has been playing “Papa Cuomo” at environmental events for awhile now, in an effort to bring [...]
Voices from the State of the State – David Doll (CARP) David Doll is from Brooklyn, NYC, and is a member of (CARP), the Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline, which [...]
Voices from the State of the State – The Grady Girls Besides performing as a chorus line at the rally outside the chamber where the Governor’s State of the State [...]
Voices from the State of the State – Ellen Harrison – Fleased Ellen Harrison speaks about her experience with leasing contracts from the energy corporations in [...]
State of the State Part 2: Voices From The Front Line A mixture of voices and images from the anti-fracking rally held at the Capitol building in Albany where Governor Andrew [...]
State of the State Part 1: The Akwesasne Defend Their Rights On January 8, 2014, at the Capitol building in Albany, NY, anti-fracking activists gathered at the State of the [...]