Celebrating The Green Team


Celebrating The Green Team in their own words:

How our Green Team started:

Class 601 visited the Great Kills beach for a clean-up at the Clean Ocean Action Summit (through NRPA). While cleaning, students and teachers noted the excessive amounts of plastic waste. After a school dance, we noticed that there was a large amount of plastic water bottles thrown away, some partially filled. After the beach clean-up and school dance, students decided to form a group to take action and reduce the amount of plastic bottles in our school.


Our Goal:


Our current goal is to reduce the amount of plastic waste in our school by reducing the amount of plastic water bottles used and thrown away by students and staff.


What actions we have taken so far:


-           Students created posters with information about plastic waste and recycling

-           We held a “Ban the Bottle” Day in November to raise awareness

-           We designed and sold IS 7 reusable water bottles to 6th grade students as a fundraiser for our Green Team efforts

-           We are holding a “Plastic Bottle Free” lunch period, encouraging students to participate by bringing a reusable water bottle for lunch, with our goal being 100% plastic bottle free.


Future goals:


Our first step is to reduce the amount of water bottles used by students and staff on a daily basis and to increase plastic recycling efforts in the cafeteria during student lunch periods. Moving forward we would like to expand our recycling of plastic to the classrooms and offices. We then would like to expand our recycling efforts to other materials, such as paper and food scraps. We also want to increase the education we put out

About Charlie Olson (162 Articles)
Co-Founder of The Environmenttv.com Co-Founder of Environmental News and Views, Channel 74 Westchester Co-Producer of The Environment TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network Member of The Collective, WBAI 99.5 FM radio Assistant to producer, Environmental Issues, Staten Island Community TV

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