Congratulations NIRS-40th Anniversary
The Nuclear Information and Resource Service, NIRS, is 40 years young this day and year. This video showcases one of the events that they were involved in during the “March For A Clean Energy Revolution” on Sunday, July 24, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and sends them congratulations for their efforts and accomplishments.
Tim Judson, the Executive Director, and Diane D’Arrigo from NIRS, along with Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear, Jessica Azulay of Alliance for a Green Economy, Nancy Vann, Gary Shaw and Jeanne Shaw from the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition and numerous others attended and appear in this short video of the long days happenings.
NIRS led the Nuclear-Free Carbon-Free Contingent of the parade’s march and nuclear presentations. They are available to travel and give presentations, as well as, answer quires over the internet and phone, etc.
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