Nuclear Convergence: The Reality of Closing Indian Point
This month’s main topic concerns the reality or problems that must be thought of during the closing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant over the next 60 to 240,000 years. Yes, that’s right, 240,000 years of harmful radioactive decay and emissions.
Marilyn Elie of the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC), Susan Leifer of The Sierra Club and Jeanne Shaw, also of IPSEC, walk us through some of the things to prepare and watch out for during this trying, long and very costly process of plant closure.
Besides the above concerns, there’s the workers, the community, future generations, taxpayers, the public at large, looking for a way to produce a “smart transition”, and much more to hear about. And the convergence meeting further covered the topics of, Dr. Gordon Edwards, Rolling Stewardship, the upcoming 6th. commemoration of the Fukushima disaster at Indian Point, overseeing the closing process, IPSEC’s web site updating, more on the 25% Indian Point NYC energy supply myth, Con Ed’s energy conservation and efficiency, Article 78 updating and the Cuomo NYS Nuclear tax subsidy to nuclear power plants, and some hopes for the closing process.
For More Info:
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition:
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