When Nuclear Plants Close: Challenges for U.S. Reactor Decommissioning-Panel 2

Continuing the event, ”When Nuclear Plants Close: Challenges for U.S. Reactor Decommissioning”, this is Panel 2.

What happens when a Nuclear Power Plant is SHUT DOWN???

Does it simply VANISH???

The New York Society For Ethical Culture, the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Jack and Belle Alpern Foundation bring together multiple people and discipines to probe that very much sought after DECOMMISSIONING event.

By bringing together grassroots activists, regulators, scientists and advocacy lawyers in a Q & A setting at Manhattan’s New York Society for Ethical Culture’s space, they have caused the rather large unseen elephant in the room to finally make an appearance.

They have released 2 separate videos, one of each Panel, with the Q & A session to follow-up later.

Panel 2:  State and Local Decommissioning Issues:  A Focus on New York

Deborah Katz-Executive Director, Citizen’s Awareness Network

Deregulation of Decommissioning

Tim Judson-Director, Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS)

Decommissioning Risks and Opportunities for States and Local Communities

Kevin Kamps-Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Beyond Nuclear

Technical and Regulatory Concerns for Decommissioning

Paul Gallay-President, Hudson Riverkeeper

Perspectives on Indian Point

Manna Jo Greene-Environmental Director, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater————–Moderator



About Charlie Olson (162 Articles)
Co-Founder of The Environmenttv.com Co-Founder of Environmental News and Views, Channel 74 Westchester Co-Producer of The Environment TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network Member of The Collective, WBAI 99.5 FM radio Assistant to producer, Environmental Issues, Staten Island Community TV

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  1. Documents | Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
  2. The End of the Age of Nuclear Power: The Beginning of the Age of Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning | Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

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