ETV Alert: Clean Energy Standard-Notes & Deadline


ETV Alert: Clean Energy Standard-Notes & Deadline

For those of you who may not have filed your testimony/opinion concerning Gov. Cuomo’s Clean Energy Standard proposal and want to know more about it, well, here’s a slide show and a few opinions that may help you out.

Below is a table of contents, which includes the title of every slide, to help you along.  The slides are shown at two speeds so that you can easily stop wherever you want to read, and/or copy at your leisure.

Table of Contents:

Part-1  Marilyn Elie Video

Part-2   Slide Show in

Two Speed Versions

Part-3 Catherine Skopic Video

Slide#1-Intro:  Sierra Club and Alliance for a Green Economy

#2-What is the Clean Energy Standard?

#3-How did we get here?

#4-What’s the process for finalizing the Clean Energy Standard?

#5-Renewable targets & tiers

#6-Graph of Tier 1, Tier 2A, Tier 2B

#7-Nuclear targets & tier

#8-Why Nuclear has no place in a “Clean” Energy Standard

#9-Clean Energy Standard Proposed Tiers & Resource Allocations

#10-What are the economic benefits of renewables?

#11-What are the costs of maintaining nuclear?

#12-What’s not in the Clean Energy Standard?

#13-How to influence the outcome

#14-Public hearing dates

#15-Talking Points

#16-Find out more (End)

For More Info:

Alliance for a Green Economy

Jessica Azulay


David Alicea


About Charlie Olson (162 Articles)
Co-Founder of The Co-Founder of Environmental News and Views, Channel 74 Westchester Co-Producer of The Environment TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network Member of The Collective, WBAI 99.5 FM radio Assistant to producer, Environmental Issues, Staten Island Community TV

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