ETV Alert: May 17 New Nuclear Clean Energy Standard Comments & Hearing Albany, NY


Tuesday, May 17, Albany.  6 PM Information Sesson. 7 PM Public Statements.

Albany Law School; East Wing School, Room E211, 80 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208.

Tell the Governor and the Public Service Commission that a subsidy for failing nuclear reactors is a bad idea. Attend a PSC hearing on May 17 in Albany and you will be in good company!

Comment NOW at  For more information visit

The Purpose and call for these actions is to respond to NYS Gov. Cuomo’s Clean Energy Standard proposal with our concerns about:

-What’s left out of the proposal

-The wrong decision to call Nuclear Energy Clean!!!

-The wrong decision to continue funding and subsidizing the NYS economically failing Nuclear Industry!!!

-and More

There will be more hearings throughout the state but the upcoming Albany hearing is a very important one to attend, to find out and know about, to send your comments to and to prepare for further calls for actions.

The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, New York City Safe Energy Coalition, Sierra Cub, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Alliance for a Green Economy, Nuclear Information Resource Service, Beyond Nuclear, and more all agree:  Subsidies for failing nuclear reactors have no place in the Clean Energy Standards or anywhere else. Tell Governor Cuomo and the Public Service Commission that they are just plain wrong.


Earlier this year, environmentalists won a major victory. For the first time, New York’s Governor Cuomo proposed a binding rule on utility companies to buy increasing amounts of renewable energy. After years of floundering and failing to meet even modest renewable energy goals, New York may finally get rules on the books that utilities will have to purchase renewable energy. New York’s “Clean Energy Standard” would be the mechanism to make this happen. If approved by the Public Service Commission, the Clean Energy Standard will set binding targets for renewable energy that increase over time. The targets start with 27% renewables in 2017 and ramp up to 50% renewables by 2030.

*BUT… there’s a twist, and it’s not a good one. *

The proposed Clean Energy Standard also would force utility companies to buy high-priced power from uneconomical nuclear plants in Upstate New York. Yeah, you read that right. The “Clean” Energy Standard would subsidize dirty energy – in the form of ageing nuclear power plants. The policy will likely prevent what would otherwise be a rapid phase out of some of New York’s most expensive and dangerous power plants.

The Governor  seems to think that no one in Southern New York will notice or even care about how he is imperiling our state’s opportunity to be a leader in the clean energy revolution.  If New York uses clean industry standards to prop up failing reactors, other states are sure to jump on the bandwagon.  Take your comments to Albany so that Gov. Cuomo  will see that we care.  Come to the hearing on May 17. Speak out and be counted among environmentalists who know better and are willing to fight to reform the energy vision for our  state so that we all have clean and green electricity.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.  Emails and online comments count.  What counts even more are a lot of people at the Public Service Commission meeting listed below.   The first hour of each meeting is information from the Commission about the new standards.  The second hour is your chance to tell the Commission that subsidies for nuclear power subvert the Clean Energy Standards and will make people pay more their electricity. Nuclear power is not cheap or carbon free and it’s certainly not clean.  Renewables can play a much larger role than this plan gives them credit for.  We have plenty of power from existing generators, plus transmission improvements, efficiency, demand response and conservation.


Comment NOW at  For more information visit


Description written by Marilyn Elie, Ken Gale and Charlie Olson

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About Charlie Olson (162 Articles)
Co-Founder of The Co-Founder of Environmental News and Views, Channel 74 Westchester Co-Producer of The Environment TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network Member of The Collective, WBAI 99.5 FM radio Assistant to producer, Environmental Issues, Staten Island Community TV

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