Indian Point 11: Guilty and Proud
Guilty and Proud, is the slogan of the Indian Point 11 as they appear in court to plead guilty for blocking the main entrance to the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant owned by Entergy.
One hour prior to their court appearance, they held a press conference just outside the court house to explain the reasons for their actions and were available afterwards for more comments.
Their message: Over the years, even decades, we have tried many lawful ways to bring to the public and government’s attention the needed actions to correct the violations and repeated accidents at this nuclear facility. Indian Point is unsafe, unnneeded AND a major accident and nightmare waiting to happen.
Before it’s too late: SHUT IT DOWN.
Our only recourse left, is Non-Violent Civil Disobedience and we will continue to do this until our safety and health is firmly secured:
Guilty and Proud!
Thanks again to The Environment TV for capturing the moment. The speakers gave us the full picture of the threat posed to 20 million of us by this misbegotten nuclear plant, and only you guys make it possible to get the story out.