Vera Scroggins Sentencing in Montrose, PA – Susquehanna County

Vera Scroggins Sentencing in Montrose, PA – Susquehanna County

Many of Vera’s supporters were not able to get into the small court in which the sentencing took place April 23, 2015, due to the on going renovations in the main courtroom. The sentencing was about 41/2 hours long, with many other supporters waiting outside the court room.

Cabot’s lawyers requested a $1,000.00 fine to cover the cost for some of there legal fees. Judge Kenneth Seaman granted the request and ordered Vera to pay the fine in 45 days. If Vera does not pay he may incarcerate her until she pays the fine.The decision to make Vera’s injunction permanent will be determined in a few days.

Another very important outcome of this court case is the unprecedented Client / Attorney privileges which Judge Kenneth Seaman and Cabot seem to want to erode in the legal system.


Video BY Heriberto Rodriguez

1 Comment on Vera Scroggins Sentencing in Montrose, PA – Susquehanna County

  1. It’s not about gas. It’s about fracking our water and immune systems: Eugenics. Hemp oil is the answer (SEE: ).

    I WAS A LOVER, NOT A FIGHTER, but I ended up enlisting as Navy Corpsman because I could always save lives. I was the “go-to” guy for shots and it was always a rush to see big hulks faint and go face down on the deck. I don’t remember anyone ever reading the literature but wielding the syringe gave me a perverse sense of power. NOW I JUST LOVE TO FIGHT to protect the Constitution and your right to make informed decisions because every child has their own built in constitution to keep them healthy. After spending sufficient time with my “pharma-demon”, I joined my Mom & Sis in war protests. The war was wrong, and illegal, just like the ones we are fighting now… especially against our most defenseless. What was it that kept US in Vietnam until we went belly-up? GUILT! DENIAL! JUSTIFICATION! COGNITIVE & MORAL IDIOCY, AND ULTIMATELY… MADNESS. AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL WAR THAT VIOLATES THE GENEVA CONVENTION, AND NUREMBERG CODE, IS BEING WAGED AGAINST OUR MOST DEFENSELESS please view my web page at and print for your clientelle. Thank you. -jm

    ‘I CHING’ and the “OBSERVER EFFECT”: Understanding The Physics of Change AND THE ROLE THE MEDIA CAN PLAY
    The ‘observer effect’ refers to situations in science where the act of observing a system has an impact on the system being observed like checking pressure in a tire causes a release of air which, in turn, causes a slight change in the tire pressure. We all know that behavior changes in the presence of a camera. Conversely, the act of non-observance, like the refusal to scrutinize 9/11 or the DC police execution of Miriam Carey who was visiting the Capitol with her toddler-in-tow creates an extremely dangerous systemic “occult” paradigm of the dire consequences of moral ‘idiotcracy’ ( SEE: ). The relatively short history of America is proof that effective change can only occur through Revelations rather than Revolutions. – joemorales

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