NEWS BRIEF: The Philadelphia NO KXL Civil Disobedient Action
The Philadelphia NO KXL Civil Disobedient Action
By about 3 PM, on Monday, March 10, 2014, 29 people were arrested in a civil disobedience action while protesting against the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL) at the federal building on Arch and 6th. Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
They brought brooms, stood in doorways and began sweeping in front of themselves in an approximately 3 hour display of sweeping away the “corrupt process” and politics that lead to the US State Department’s claim that the pipeline would not cause any “significant” climate damage.
By blocking entrances, crossing police barricades, being willing to risk arrest and actually being arrested, they brought attention to the need for President Obama to “just say no to the KXL pipeline.”
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