Rally At Spectra–November 2, 2013


Sponsored by sane energy project and Occupy The Pipeline, a rally was held along the running path outside the site where Spectra Energy has connected a gas pipeline from New Jersey into Manhattan in the Chelsea District. It took place one day after the gas was scheduled to start flowing through the pipeline. Speakers included Clare Donohue (sane energy project), Tim DeChristopher, Anne Heaney, Bill Borock (Council of Chelsea Block Associations), Sandra Koponen (Occupy The Pipeline), Peter Rugh (System Change Not Climate Change), Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal (D)–representing the 37th District and author of a Radon-monitoring Bill(A6863), Assembly Member Richard N. Gottfried (D)–representing the 75th District and Chair of the Health Committee, Gale Brewer (D)–Manhattan Borough President-Elect, and Corey Johnson (D)–City Council Member-Elect from District 3. Other participants included Kim Fraczek, Joan Beard, as well as, folksinger Bryan Cahall. Following the rally, a civil disobedience action took place in which members of the group blocked the West Side Highway with a banner on which was written: “Radioactive: Stop This Pipeline.” Facing in both directions, the group halted traffic for about ten minutes before the police arrested 13 of them, including Clare Donohue and Corey Johnson. You can view that Civil Disobedience at our video link:

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