The Arrival of The Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign
The Arrival of The Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign
“…the question is: How do you instruct 7 billion people as to their relationship to the earth? Because only if they respect and understand that relationship will we as a species survive…The only way we’re going to survive here is to take our proper place within this great system and behave ourselves and share. We have to come back to sharing. It’s not ‘me’ anymore; it’s ‘we.’ It’s not ‘competition’ anymore; it’s ‘cooperation.’ For our own children’s welfare.”
Chief Oren Lyons
Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Onondaga Nation
On August 9, 2013, the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign arrived at Pier 96 in New York City. The arrival was followed by a march to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. For more information see: Thanks to Jessica Martinez Maxey for permission to use “By The River Again,” a piece composed and performed by her on
her album, All My Blessings. See:
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