Senator Gillibrand Stand With Minisink!

Senator Gillibrand Stand With Minisink Senator Gillibrand Stand With Minisink

Senator Gillibrand Stand With Minisink!

The community of Minisink, NY needs your help. Please sign the petition at:

Also, please call Senator Gillibrand at 212-688-6262 and ask that she: (1) visit Minisink to meet with the impacted families and farmers, (2) shut down the compressor station on the grounds of corporate fraudulence, illegal segmentation, and danger to the impacted communities, and (3) call for Congressional hearings on these clear violations. Tell her: Stand With Minisink! Minisink Matters!

About Charlie Olson (162 Articles)
Co-Founder of The Co-Founder of Environmental News and Views, Channel 74 Westchester Co-Producer of The Environment TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network Member of The Collective, WBAI 99.5 FM radio Assistant to producer, Environmental Issues, Staten Island Community TV

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